soul coaching®Soul Coaching®
- Are you looking for a way to get in touch with who you really are, and what YOU want in life?
- Do you know what your purpose in life is?
- Are you aware of the daily guidance of your soul?
- Are you ready to free yourself from limiting self beliefs?
- Are you ready to re-design your life so that it is in alignment with your values?
- Are you ready to release fears and blockages?
- Are you ready for more joy and freedom in your life?
- Do you seek positive change in your relationships, career, health, home life?
These are just some of the questions I may assist you with as your Soul Coaching® mentor.
What is Soul Coaching®?
Soul Coaching® is a powerful healing program devised by Denise Linn, international Healer, Author and Teacher. The Soul Coaching® programs gently guide you to finding a place of balance and harmony in life. It helps you clear away your inner debris so that your internal spiritual life is in alignment with your outer life and the world around you.
It is a system that helps to clear away mental, emotional, spiritual and physical clutter so that you can hear the messages from within. It also helps you to discover your purpose so you can design a life that supports your mission.
The 28 Day Soul Coaching® Programs Available:
- Discover Your Authentic Self
- Secret Messages of the Body
These programs cover four distinct areas dedicated to each of the four elements (Air, Water, Fire and Earth). By activating these elements it activates different areas of your soul to clear inner blockages. These powerful programs are comprised of daily carefully designed practical lessons giving you the necessary tools to hear the messages of your soul. As well as the support you receive by me as your mentor, you also receive daily guided audio meditations and daily affirmations to assist you on the journey.
Commitment to the program
Each program offers flexibility in order to work around your individual schedules and your willingness to participate. There are varying levels of daily participation.
- Level 1: Committed to Change (15-30 minutes)
- Level 2: Going for It! (30-60 minutes)
- Level 3: Playing Full Out (take as long as you want!)
The programs take you straight to your spiritual source and helps you find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. It allows you to take an honest look at yourself, your life, face your fears, release old negative beliefs and patterns, allows you to get motivated and step confidently into a life filled with joy and abundance with powerful effects on your overall health.
There are several ways that you can experience a Soul Coaching® program at Sacred Wellness:
Private Consultation: You can work with me one-on-one as I assist you through the process of the 28-Day program. We will meet in 6 weekly sessions in person as well as practical daily lessons to undertake, guided audio meditations and affirmations during the program.
Groups: You can participate in a like minded group going through the 28-Day program together. You will meet in 6 weekly sessions in person as well as practical daily lessons to undertake, guided audio meditations and affirmations during the program.
Online: Not everyone has the time or geographical advantage to be able to attend a group or private program, so online Soul Coaching® is perfect in this situation. With online Soul Coaching®, you have the advantage of going through life changes while in the comfort of your own home. This 6 week program is undertaken by distance in a group online forum together with weekly group telephone conferences, practical daily lessons to undertake, guided audio meditations and affirmations during the program.

21-day Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest
From a spiritual viewpoint, letting go of our physical “stuff” equates to letting go of our emotional blockages and barriers in life. Our clutter (the things we hold on to), act as a signpost for deeper things going on under the surface.
These days our homes are filled with all sorts of clutter but we need to investigate why there is clutter in the first place. Ultimately it’s the meaning we put into the “stuff” that creates the actual clutter and this program is designed to support you through getting your life back on track
In the Quest you will connect with the energy of your home as it is now, you will learn about the energy you can create in your home, and create a space that allows you to shine and support the life you want in the future.
During the 21-day Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest you will receive:
- a workbook outlining the 21-day Clutter Clearing Quest,
- practical daily exercises and the 7-day plan templates for each week (as guided by the soul journeys),
- 4 support sessions – 3 during the program and one follow-up.
As with the Soul Coaching® 28 day programs you can choose the time investment from Level One to Level Three. You will learn the tools to maintain the balance in your home that allows the life you want even if you are time pressed.
Also available at Sacred Wellness:
Soul Coaching® Creative Classes and Workshops help open awareness into your soul and the realm of spirit.
Soul Coaching® Soul Journeys are a safe method of guided visualisation allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. By connecting with your inner essence you are able to receive messages to help guide you on your life’s path, gain insight on a present situation or life’s questions and all that your soul wishes you to know by developing a stronger relationship with your own spirit.
Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Readings help to access the wisdom from within while helping to find answers to life’s questions.
Soul Coaching® Vision Quests allow you to find the answers to your soul’s questions by immersing yourself in nature to seek the wisdom, truth and beauty within.
Some of the many benefits of Soul Coaching®
- Brings joy and peace into your everyday world
- Detoxification of the mind, body, emotion and spirit
- Gain clarity in life
- Heal emotional wounds
- Helps to find purpose in everyday life
- Helps to address internal fears
- Increase personal awareness
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Release limiting internal life patterns
- Self discovery and empowerment